In “Tina”, Love Has Everything to Do with It.

The Couch Tamale
11 min readApr 13, 2021
From the HBO Max documentary “Tina”

At one point, towards the end of “Tina”, the beautiful and stirring new documentary about Tina Turner, her longtime partner Erwin Bach attempts to describe something ineffable: the depth of love, the charge of love he carries with him from his wife, the superstar who so often was described in concert reviews as “electrifying.”

“It’s love, it’s something we both have for each other…like an electrical charge. Even though I left her two, three hours ago this morning, I still have that feeling. It’s in my heart; I feel very warm about this.” Bach discloses this intimacy to us in the gentlest of accents, and in a moment that radiates love, a moment that may even make you grab the hand of the loved one you share a sofa with, or even just clutch your own heart.

The affection is so palpable you immediately well up with goodwill and gratitude towards this man, because he radiates a no-fuss sincerity when speaking about the woman he loves, and of course, if you’re watching this film, a woman we love. It’s also so moving because by the end of this haunting and often harrowing documentary, you do want Tina Turner most of all to be loved (even if you went into it vaguely hoping for hints of another record or concert.) Bach speaks in a creamy, benevolent voice, and while his tone is matter of fact, it also carries an inflection that acknowledges he knows…



The Couch Tamale

Film, Music, Peak TV, Diversity— Tom Cendejas is sitting on a sofa and unwrapping Pop Culture with a Latino eye, one husk at a time.